When hosting your guests, you should think like a guest: what are the first things visitors see when checking your Airbnb room? Shoes in the corridor or a lawnmower in the yard give the impression of an untidy household. If you put your house for rent on Airbnb, make sure that the garden is clean and all the walkways and green areas are free to roam around. A decorative door wreath that fits the season and a small welcome sign on the porch will warm the hearts of your guests.
The following view is from the window. So make sure they are cleaned regularly. Streaks on the windows or flaws in the frames are noticed in the first two minutes after entering the flat. The Aurora professional cleaning and Airbnb management service team received maid service training to ensure a professional cleaning of your Airbnb accommodation and create a spotlessly clean environment for your guests.
Kitchen and Fridge
After getting the first impression, guests usually look at the kitchen. A clean fridge, clean surfaces and spotless gadgets like toasters or microwave ovens are the keys to giving your guests the feeling that they want to stay and feel at home. Create an atmosphere that makes them feel welcome in a new home: placing free sealed snacks on the table and beverages in the clean fridge makes a huge difference and is an excellent addition to the piece of chocolate on the pillow.
The bathroom and sauna
In Finland, you will find three saunas per 5 inhabitants. Even some single-room flats come with a small private sauna. Bathrooms and saunas are places that are strongly associated with hygiene. Stains, mould or dirt in the shower, the sink or the toilet make your guests feel disgusted and long for a shower back home. Don’t offer your guests to use the shared sauna of your apartment building. Since it’s a shared space for all the tenants, you can not be sure it will be clean when your Airbnb guests want to use it.
Stay fresh!
Shiny floors and surfaces create a fresh feeling. Make sure that every room of the flat smells pleasant. Air fresheners can provide this with a pleasant odour at specific intervals. A freshly cleaned flat and new covers for the bed and pillows ensure the flat does not start to smell. Use an additional cover for the mattress that can be machine washed after every visitor. Fresh flowers provided during the stay’s beginning show your guests that you care for aesthetics. If your guests want to make some changes in their homes after staying in your Airbnb Finland, you left the best impression possible.
Small gestures for a significant change
Provide the individual Airbnb experience nobody else can guess! Print them a welcome letter with practical information and activities they can do in the area. What are the easiest ways to get around with public transport? What attractions are a must? Where can they do groceries? What number to call in situations of emergencies? Do they have someone to call when there are problems with the flat? Ensure your guests find the Airbnb survival guide in a language they are comfortable with. Giving some funny cultural anecdotes for your Airbnb Service in Helsinki and Finland will break the last ice: kalsarikännit, tervasuklaa, saunavihta, and the home of the Joulupukki are topics they will reminisce positively about when they give a review about your service.
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